

Blanck Mass

Animated Violence Mild


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On the previous Blanck Mass full-length World Eater - an album that ended up in our top 10 for 2017 - Benjamin John Power certainly brought the noise. However, World Eater was nothing compared to the follow-up. We’re not sure how he’s done it, but that record somehow sounds tame in comparison to Animated Violence Mild.

Almost every second here is crammed with stuff, so much so that the sound waves for tracks like ‘Death Drop’ and ‘Wings Of Hate’ are pretty much rectangular. The production manages to sound shredded and messed-up, yet still allows melodies and tones to come through with clarity - no mean feat, and something that places Animated Violence alongside albums like Death Grips’ The Money Store.
    Release Date: 16 Aug 19 Cat No: SBR220LP